If I thought I could
battle for and win you
I would wage the war
no other spoil
however rare
could match
your eyes aglitter
I would cross
all fields of fire
If it meant your safety
If my wounds
you would balm
in but a teaspoon
of attention
Shall I
at ease
whisper that
your lips
their very sight
incites me
on the chance
in blushing gratitude
you might salute
this dreaming soldier
with a kiss
oh please
a kiss
should I suppose
once you knew me
then my soul
would map out
it’s terrain
for your
complete perusal
If I thought
this too trite
love poem
with its strategized
seduction might seduce
I’d hurl it at you
take it anyway
and while you’re at it
take this heart
which would brave bombs
Simple words arranged in meaningful ways
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