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The Echo Mother !

by Chad Hollis

and she waits…
revolving through meeker moments
like haunted sunshine and
time unwinding it’s vacancy

she is the silence
unprovoked and kind
complacent as winter’s whispery pulse
she’s a living suicide

who awoke restrained
in love’s static pain
the cherry blossom’s
fare-well waltz

heaven specimen
unraveling her walls and
dragging them to hell
she waits

guarding over the soul relics
swelling with elation before
the restless mouths of the ground
begin to reclaim them

with prayers
and sermons and rites to exalt
imposing loveliness quickening
onto the afflictions and vows of emptiness

and she remains

all are now enslaved to
green moss and underbrush
and she waits
shields and assures…

winter creeps forward
and days soon sleep